Wednesday 3 December 2008


So I recently discovered a source for a small amount of motivation and was hoping to turn it into a great rolling boulder of productivity but today I have hit an obstacle. As I was standing up to leave for work I leaned forward and picked up a bag (not a heavy bag). While stepping forward and straightening up something in the very middle of my back popped. Pop! Actually it was kind of between a pop and a ping. So much pain! Luckily Neil was still home. He helped me to the floor, got me some pain killers, gave me the phone so I could call work and eventually helped me to the bed.

Gradually the pain has become manageable. I've discovered if I breathe out when I move then it doesn't hurt as much.

It's so frustrating though, to have hit a obstacle. Why does this happen to a procrastinator? Doesn't the universe know it's hard enough to muster up a smidgen of momentum when productivity is at a low?

I'm still hopeful for tomorrow. If I can move I am going to get the first three things done on my to-do-list for sure. If it's harder to move I'll consider accomplishing one thing a success. Tonight I keep breathing and try to move as little as possible.

1 comment:

TelegaWoman said...

How did it go today? I hope you are up and moving around and feeling very productive!