Tuesday 28 April 2009


So my list was not achieved. I failed. But I was productive in so many other ways.

First thing in the morning, even before changing out of my pajamas I set about transplanting (which was on my list). The grass was still too short to handle but I could move the rest. They're now sitting on the top shelf of the green house attempting to grow even bigger (hopefully).

Straight after that I planted some more pea seeds. This is where my productivity went astray, but in my defense I have been saying I need to do this for weeks.

As it was getting nicer and nicer outside I decided to keep gardening. So I filled the potato bags (more soil hopefully means more roots which means more potatoes!).

Then it was on to planting more lettuce leaves so we have successive crops for good salads this summer.

After all this I started on the dishes. I'm the type of person that leaves the dishes until I have enough to warrant an entire sink full of water. Which is usually just three times a week. While doing the dishes Neil arose, made us breakfast burritos and then we began a productive day together. It revolved around the drilling jobs we've been accumulating. First we put up the key safe which was easier than expected. Then we took down the small monitor in the living room and hung it on the wall in my study. I now am such a geek that I have two monitors to use at the same time (and I love it!).Then we moved on to hanging the new television in the living room. As you can see we still need to work on hiding the many cables connected to the television (this is the thing I hate about appliances). After all this we relaxed a little, had dinner and then Neil finished off the day by planting some more corn and climbing beans.

It was a very productive day. All of it needed to be done. So now I'm wondering if it's my list writing skills that I should be working on instead of my ability to stick to a plan. I think I learned that I should feel prouder of what I do get done than I feel guilty about what I don't achieve. Ah, those life lessons.

1 comment:

Tasch said...

You got stacks done. I don't think you need to worry about not sticking to your list at all. I think your list was simply not entirely right. :)