Monday 18 August 2008

And this week...

Looks like I'm turning into a weekly blogger. I don't want to be, I've discovered there are usually enough things on my mind to blog every day or two. I have been busy, but I've also been lazy lately and one of the victims of my laziness has been this blog.

Last week I was obsessed with reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. I'm going to blog about that on another day because my mind is still swimming with thoughts about that incredibly original novel.

This past weekend Neil and I did something totally unusual for us; we rented a car and didn't go to either Ikea or a garden centre. LOL! The purpose of renting the car was to go to Clowne, Derbyshire to meet our new niece. She was utterly tiny and utterly gorgeous. Neil was smitten. He only gave up holding her because she had to feed. We got in the car to go home and both wished that we lived closer so we could hold her and spoil her more often. But we'll do our best to love her and spoil her from a distance.

On Sunday we drove to Great Yarmouth, Norfolk for a bit of seaside walking, sunning and sand castle making. Some pictures:
The sun came out late but was most welcome. We ate too much, although it felt like we didn't eat much at all. I tried my first cockle. It was edible, but too gritty to eat again by choice. That was the best seaside treat I've ever had: a pot of prawns, cockles, king prawns and crab sticks. The only shame was that it was served in a polystyrene cup. The cup was most useful for making the top of our castle though, as we didn't come prepared with bucket and spade. Next on my list of seafood to try is the whelk.

Today I'm trying to focus on my studies by taking regular breaks so I can intensely study in between. Not working so far, but I'm trying. The next break will be to collect the ripe tomatoes from the garden for tonight's pizza making, but before that a lot of reading about collection management.


TelegaWoman said...

Oh!! I loved, loved, loved, and still love The Time Traveler's Wife. It is my favorite book. The first time I read it (and yes, I've read it more than once) I got up and read before going to work - and I am a last-minute getting-to-work kind of gal. Every time I read it or sometimes for no apparent reason, something about Henry and Clare will pop into my head. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it! And now I must go read the rest of your post, because I freaked when I got to that part and had to comment immediately. :) Love ya!

TelegaWoman said...

So now I must add congratulations on your new niece (being an auntie is SOOO much fun), enjoy your pizza, and good luck on the studying. :)