Monday 19 January 2009

All work and no play

I found myself on schedule with time to get ahead last night. Which is an amazing feeling!

Instead of working ahead I redid the blog banner, what do you think?

I've been researching furiously in the last week so as to write an essay this week. It's gone well, although you can see that the blog has suffered a bit.

I have been thinking about this blog in my spare moments and wondering if it needs more of a purpose as my life is not prone to anecdote. I don't want to continuously rant by commenting on the state of feminism in Cambridge or green issues and products (although I realize I haven't commented on many green issues, I keep toying with the idea of praising the wonder that is the Moon Cup which would not be of interest to any male readers if there are any out there). I'd love to have the time and money to review green products though, I really think that would be lots of fun.

One thing I'm learning in my quest for achievement is to have clearly defined goals. Not only does this blog need a new look it's in need of a rethink. Any suggestions welcome, but you can be sure I'll be thinking when I'm not essay writing this week.

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