Saturday 28 March 2009

Feeling totally helpless

My home, Fargo, is flooding. I currently live 4,000 miles from Fargo in my other home, but I'm so longing to be there, to help. In 1997, my senior year of high school, the Red River flooded to a record 39.5 feet in Fargo. I learned then that every decimal point counts. This year is worse. This year the flood is at 40.82 feet so far and not expected to crest until 42 feet is reached. This year is also better. The city is so much more prepared and better organized. However, every year relies on the unfaling community spirit, which abounds in Fargo, and the ability to overcome a somewhat unpredictable north flowing river.

All I can do is watch the websites ( is the most frequently updated) and try to refrain from panicking. I'm so proud of everyone in Fargo. They step up and help each other in times like this. My friends Andi and Em have driven 400 miles to be there and help (thank you so much for your detailed update, it means a lot to me). Other friends have done similar, lots of them. All the people who live there that are just amazing. They've spent weeks finishing work, sometimes early, to go sandbag for hours. Many who have recently been evacuated from their homes moved to a safer part of Fargo and continued sandbagging day and night. My parents, especially my Dad, are frustrated by their ill health which doesn't allow them to get involved. I understand how they feel. It's agony just watching. My Mom plans to go to the Fargodome to help sign in volunteers at 4 this morning, my Dad has to stay home and make sure the sump pump pipe doesn't freeze.

This youtube video keeps making me cry... and yet I keep watching it.

Fargo, I'm proud of you. Responding to Red Alerts in the wee hours of the morning to help save communities around you. Forever-Fargoans travelling home to help people you love and people you no longer know. You can hold the river back! I will keep watching and waiting for my chance to help. Although money is all I can give, it will be given with all my heart.

1 comment:

Tasch said...

People are great aren't they? I mean generally people suck, but stuff like this happens and they all come good and help each other.

I hope it all eases off quickly. For them and for you. :)