Wednesday 11 March 2009

Tools required week

These were the tools required for Saturday the 21st through Tuesday the 24th of February.
They were required for two projects. The first began that Saturday. Neil and removed the bed and wardrobe from the spare room (they're currently in pieces in the loft, except the mattress which is in the other spare room now). Then we moved my computer and desk into the "study." This room was originally intended to be my study when we bought the house, it was decorated to be the study even... but in one of our fits of "wouldn't it work better this way" we made it a spare room and moved my desk into the room with television. This wasn't good for my concentration during study hours. This is what my desk space looks like now (and no, my desktop will never be tidy no matter how hard I try).

This project is still ongoing, but it's nice to have my own space again.

The second reason for the tools was because Maegan is curious like a cat, but lacks the useful grace of most cats. We had to dismantle a part of the kitchen, as seen below:
While making my morning cup of coffee (second thing that happens after I get out of bed) I heard Maegan meowing. I knew it was Maegan because it actually sounded like a cat (Maegan rarely makes more than a squeak), but it was the muffled sound of a cat behind a cupboard door. After looking in lots of our cupboards it occured to me that Maegs was possibly in her favorite corner above the kitchen cupboards. As I looked in the corner from the top of my step ladder I discovered a gap between the wall and the tallest cupboard we have; a gap that was just wide enough for a cat to fall down. See this picture for the height:
After about 40 minutes we managed to remove enough wood from the wall and saw through enough nails to pry a bit of wood disquising the gap between cupboard and wall forward. After removing a broken rod with cafe curtain attached, Maegan scrambled out of her kitchen prison and ran straight outside. Apart from incredibly being dusty she was fine, but refused to come back into the house and seemingly marvelling at her lack of confinement. The trauma didn't last long and she's even been venturing to that corner recently. As we haven't repaired the kitchen yet, at least the next rescue won't take long.

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