Monday 30 June 2008

A change

It's all change around here. We're in the midst of redecorating the study/den (I can't decide which is the best name for purpose without sounding pompous). So I decided I could keep that decorating momentum going and do a little layout change on here too. How do you like the new banner? I'm not totally happy with it... I don't think purple is quite how I want it to stay. The sweet pea picture was the only one I was happiest to show off for the moment, so for now purple it is. I can't decide on the colours for the study/den either. Green is a definite, but to accent in blue or pink is the question. Pink would be very feminine and I'm not normally very feminine. I like the freshness of green, pink and white (the walls will be white) - but would that seem cold in the winter? However, dark and light blue with green is nice and a bit more practical (we have a blue futon in the room and my teapot and coaster are dark blue, light blue, green and white striped... and yest they are the source of this colour scheme option). The idea of practical is what is putting me off I think; sometimes I just get tired of being practical. On the other hand, I don't want to decorate twice.

I thought today might be a good day to add a little info about my blog title. Why student4life? When I joined a message board a couple of years ago I was just in the middle of the first year for my Masters course in library and information studies and felt like I had gone back to the begning of things, being a student again. I loved it and disliked it. Still do. I love learning and discovering new things. I'm so tired of feeling like I can't get on with life because I'm still studying about how to do it. So student 4life is both a declaration of wanting to learn for my whole life and a feeling of desperate fear that I will always be studying, feeling guilty that I'm not as studious as I mean to be, and never have free time again. It's a double edged sword that reflects the joy and guilt of study in my life, but mostly it's just who I am... a student for, of and in life.

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