Tuesday 24 June 2008

New variation on a previously new theme.

Although I think I gained a pound overnight because of it (and I know I gained a pound because I weighed in on the Wii this morning) I'm still marveling at the wonder that was chocolate, rum and raisin bread pudding last night. We were having Mexican food last night, which here means flour tortillas and salad with all the trimmings, so I suggested we have our favorite Mexican pudding... chocolate and tequila. However we don't have any tequila in the house, the last bottle we had gave us headaches. Instead of making a special trip to the store we decided that rum and raisin sounded good, and we always have rum. Always. It was lovely. Neil is so adept at bread pudding and he used just the right amounts of the extra flavors, in my opinion. Unfortunately there is a lot of pudding because he's not so good at portion size - so I may be gaining another pound tonight. Oh dear, and tomorrow is goal day too. Don't think I'm going to make it. I suppose to be a good blogger I should have taken photos to post on here. Guess that's going to take a little bit of practice. Perhaps I'll start leaving the camera out of the bag so it's more accessible. That's one of those tricks I heard about getting more candid shots of one's children, but how do you know where the camera is all the time?

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