Thursday 1 January 2009

the word

So it's 2009. This will be the year I turn 30. The year I lose at least 50 pounds. The year I attend my final study school. The year I start my dissertation.

I've read a few blogs where the author cjose a word for the year - a word to explore and understand in a very personal way over the course of a year. If I were to choose a word for 2009 I'd like it to be achievement. I'm terrible at setting goals and sticking to them. Although I realize some goals are meant to be altered for true success. But I rarely feel a sense of achievement. I often feel there's at least 20 more things I should be getting through. This is always the time of year that people set goals which normally never get finished, I'd like to do something different - explre the way to undertstand, se and achieve. I'm sure I can squeeze that into 2009.

I think sometime I subcontiously sabotage my achievement because I'm fighting agains predictability. Or is that just an elaborate excuse for being lazy?

Lastly, choosing achievement as my word for the year sounds like a good occaision for a little redecoration around here. It also may sound like a procrastination techniqye but sometime goals can be purely for the fun of the journey. I can see achievement may be quite an adventure for my brian. I hope that journey towards understanding throws up more answers than questions.


Anonymous said...

You don't need to lose 50 pounds. And you have my permission to start counting backwards, or at least stop counting forwards. So you need never reach 30 if you don't want to. Though they told me that 30 was the new 20. (I think they lied) :(

I do hope you achieve something that satisfies you this year. :)

Theresa Crawforth said...

I agree fully that something sounds very wrong if thirty is the new twenty. In so many ways I don't want that to be true. :-) But counting backwards doesn't sound good either as I'm hoping to live more than 30 more years. :-)

About the 50 pounds... it does need to happen. I appreciate your kindness in saying I don't need to lose weight though. It's not just vanity, I also need to lose weight for medical reasons and because I want to shop at ethical clothing stores who don't currently make clothing in my size.

TelegaWoman said...

TelegaWoman firmly believes that it is better to turn 30 than NOT turn 30. It was my best birthday ever! (Now, 31...a little stressful and not nearly as much fun.) Happy New Year!