Thursday 10 July 2008

Redecoration continues

As you can see (if you've been here before last Sunday) I did a little redecorating again. The purple just wasn't working for me. I like purple, but it just wasn't what I wanted I like this green one. I'm not thrilled with the picture but it's a good shot with a smile. And in a way I kinda like looking at it knowing that I've lost weight since then. If you saw me now you'd see it in my face that I've lost weight. That makes me happy. The green makes me happy too. My favorite color is actually orange, but green makes me happy too.

The photo was taken by my friend Jessica when she was here visiting me. This shot was near the pond at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. If you ever come to visit I will take you there (if you want to go). It's one of my favorite places in Cambridge. The rest of the banner was made using products from Scrap Girls. If you want to know the product list then leave me a comment and I will belatedly post the list. But as for now, it's back to real life decorating. The study is looking really good (and yes, study works better than den in m opinion). We just have one more coat of matt white on two walls and the ceiling, a coat or two of gloss white on the skirting and door, a shelf to add, carpet tiles to purchase and fit, and a portion of wall to paint green.* That may sound a lot, but when I think of all the work we've done so far this week... the light at the end of the tunnel is much more visible, so to speak.

Today is going to be an errand running day, even if it is Neil's official birthday. Happy birthday to my lovely hubby Neil! He's decided he would like to go to London on Sunday to celebrate. This is because we can have sushi for lunch, go to the aquarium, and then finish the day by seeing Wall.e at the BFI. Sounds like a nice day out to me, a great way to finish off our week's holiday, and the perfect way to celebrate my love's birthday (food, fish and film are three of his favorite things). Today's errands will be exchanging a couple of Wii games for store credit (hopefully), dropping off a friend's birthday present before she dashes off on her two week holiday in Wales, looking for curtain fabric, and picking up the last of the 8 foot shelves. We ran out of time to pick up the shelf on Tuesday since we had dinner reservations at Loch Fyne (lovely, lovely food) and yesterday was filled with rain. It's gotta be nice when we go because we have to walk the shelf home. It's 8 feet long... do you think they'd let us on the bus with it? Today looks sunny apart from a probable afternoon shower. I'm going outside to enjoy this while it lasts.

*I crossed these items out on July 11th. Woo-hoo! We're gettin' it done!

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