Tuesday 29 July 2008


In high school I was one that groaned at the idea of reading Shakespeare, just like the rest of my classmates. Mrs. Skauge started a love affair that year because I have loved The Bard since that first reading of Romeo and Juliet. Having professed my love for the writings of William Shakespeare it may seem quite peculiar that I only went to my first Cambridge Summer Shakespeare plays last Saturday... to be honest, it is quite peculiar. I'm so glad I finally went. Nothing like a willing house guest and an observant husband to finally get me out to a college garden to watch Puck and Oberon and Hermia and all those wonderful characters playing about. We saw A Midsummer Night's Dream in the garden at Girton College. It was very entertaining and I laughed a lot. Then my brain kept wurring over the details.

My favorite part was the wall in the 'play within the play.' It was so clever with its modern references while keeping the role true to Shakespeare's intent. The actor who played both Oberon and Thesius lacked interest. He was type cast. The actor playing Titania/Hippolita was the same. Puck was great until intermission and then she lost that real sense of playfulness. So basically, the players were average or below but the Shakespeare was wonderful and I hope to go again soon. It's just a matter of deciding which play.

This theater outing has rekindled my dream to see Shakespeare performed by the RSC in Stratford. Maybe that's how I'll celebrate my 30th next year.

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