Monday 3 November 2008

3 reasons

There are three reasons that today should be a bad day.

1. I was late to work because, as I went to get my bike from the shed at 8.30, I discovered my back tire was totally flat and I had no money for a bus ticket.

2. After work, I decided to get the bus home. I was about a minute from the bus stop when the bus passed me, so I started to run for it. Then I fell -- and I mean fell -- face flat on the pavement. No blood involved but a lot of sore muscles, sore wrists and a really sore knee that is swollen and most likely going to be purple tomorrow.

3. When I got home I discovered Neil was sick and very unhappy.

There are also three reasons today should be a good day.

1. Work was very busy today and I got to work two hours on reception. Reception is the best part of my job. It's crazy and some of the customers are stressful, but there's so much variety and so many chances to help people and solve problems.

2. On my way home from the library I found an all day bus ticket valid for today.

3. When I told Neil about my face-on-the pavement flop he didn't laugh, he sympathized. I appreciated that.

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